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Pleasant Goat Wiki
Pleasant Goat Wiki

Pleasant Goat Sports Game (羊羊运动会, Yángyáng Yùndònghuì) is the second donghua installment in the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf franchise.


Caprines from various tribes gather together on the Green Green Grassland to participate in the magnificent 125th Goats Sports Games, where a Patriarch is chosen. There are many strong competitors such as the Argali, the speedy Tibetan antelopes, and the flexible robot goats. Events like shooting, aquatics and Ping-Pong all took place and challenged the competitors. Knowing that whoever wins the games could become the leader of the goats, Wolffy and his wife disguised as goats to take part. Who will be the final winner?[1]


Sound Production Ewave
Character Design Luo Yingkang, Huang Weiming
Animation Supervisors Chen Huiyan, Li Weiwei
Animation Team Leaders Huang Xiaoxue, Luo Ming, Tan Shujun, Yang Shaoyu, Yin Lisha, Chen Jieyi, Xu Lisha, Sun Hai, Liang Yiming, Li Weiwei, Liao Jinchong
Production Coordinator Kinny Choi
Screenwriters Wu Shengqiang, He Shaodan, Li Binglin, Ou Ling, Ni Xiaohong, Luo Jianwen, Chen Yiyong, Shao Haowen
Screenplay Reviewer Huang Weijian
Director Huang Weiming
Executive Producer Liu Manyi
Distribution Li Lisi, Qiu Haiyan, Wen Shaoming
Production & Distribution Creative Power Entertaining Co., Ltd.



Opening song
Ending song


No. Title Written by Directed by Original air date
01 Torch Bearer Selection
Xuǎnbá Shènghuǒ Shǒu” (选拔圣火手)
Wu Shengqiang Huang Weiming October 23, 2008
02 Torch Relay
Shènghuǒ Chuándì” (圣火传递)
He Shaodan Huang Weiming October 23, 2008
03 Opening Ceremony
Kāimù Diǎnlǐ” (开幕典礼)
Li Binglin Huang Weiming October 24, 2008
04 Guest from the Underground World
Dìxiàshìjiè Lái de Guìbīn” (地下世界来的贵宾)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming October 24, 2008
05 Football Tournament
Zúqiú Sài” (足球赛)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming October 25, 2008
06 Infiltrate the Black Goat Team
Hùnrù Hēiyáng Duì” (混入黑羊队)
He Shaodan Huang Weiming October 25, 2008
07 Devil Training
Móguǐ Xùnliàn” (魔鬼训练)
Ni Xiaohong Huang Weiming October 27, 2008
08 Directional Bullets
Dìngxiàng Zǐdàn” (定向子弹)
Luo Jianwen Huang Weiming October 27, 2008
09 Shooting Competition
Shèjí Bǐsài” (射击比赛)
Luo Jianwen Huang Weiming October 28, 2008
10 Duel with the Mechanical Goat
Duìjué Jīxièyáng” (对决机械羊)
Chen Yiyong Huang Weiming October 28, 2008
11 Athlete Afraid of Water
Pà Shuǐ Yùndòngyuán” (怕水运动员)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming October 29, 2008
12 The Perfect Jump
Wánměi Yī Tiào” (完美一跳)
Ni Xiaohong Huang Weiming October 29, 2008
13 Abandoned Champion
Bèi Pāoqì de Guànjūn” (被抛弃的冠军)
Wu Shengqiang Huang Weiming October 30, 2008
14 Village Chief Also Goes Crazy
Cūnzhǎng Yě Fēngkuáng” (村长也疯狂)
Luo Jianwen Huang Weiming October 30, 2008
15 Foreign Legion
Wàijí Bīngtuán” (外籍兵团)
Chen Yiyong Huang Weiming October 31, 2008
16 Testing the Military Intelligence
Shìtàn Jūnqíng” (试探军情)
He Shaodan Huang Weiming October 31, 2008
17 Finals, Allez!
Juésài, Chū Jiàn ba!” (决赛,出剑吧!)
Li Binglin Huang Weiming November 1, 2008
18 Missed the Championship
Wúyuán Duóguàn” (无缘夺冠)
Shao Haowen Huang Weiming November 1, 2008
19 Different Gladiator
Bù Yīyàng de Jiǎodòu” (不一样的角斗)
Wu Shengqiang Huang Weiming November 3, 2008
20 Tough Battle with the Argali
Kǔzhàn Pányáng” (苦战盘羊)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming November 3, 2008
21 She Is an Argali
Tā Shì Pányáng” (她是盘羊)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming November 4, 2008
22 Midnight Horn
Wǔyè Hào Míng” (午夜号鸣)
Li Binglin Huang Weiming November 4, 2008
23 Final Battle at the Gladiatorial Arena
Juédòu Dòujiǎochǎng” (决战斗角场)
Ni Xiaohong Huang Weiming November 5, 2008
24 Good Intentions Gone Wrong
Hǎoxīn Bàn Huàishì” (好心办坏事)
Shao Haowen Huang Weiming November 5, 2008
25 Lost Confidence
Shīqù Xìnxīn” (失去信心)
Shao Haowen Huang Weiming November 6, 2008
26 Escape from the Wolf’s Mouth
Lángkǒu-tuōxiǎn” (狼口脱险)
Luo Jianwen Huang Weiming November 6, 2008
27 A Final Without an Audience
Yī Chǎng Méiyǒu Guānzhòng de Juésài” (一场没有观众的决赛)
Wu Shengqiang Huang Weiming November 7, 2008
28 Jealous Antelope Princess
Jídù de Língyáng Gōngzhǔ” (嫉妒的羚羊公主)
Chen Yiyong Huang Weiming November 7, 2008
29 Wash Hands with the Clay Pot
Wūpén-xǐshǒu” (乌盆洗手)
He Shaodan Huang Weiming November 8, 2008
30 Brave Rescue of Wolnie
Yǒng Jiù Hóng Tàiláng” (勇救红太狼)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming November 8, 2008
31 Gymnastics Prince
Tǐcāo Wángzǐ” (体操王子)
Wu Shengqiang Huang Weiming November 10, 2008
32 Brother, Where Are You
Gēgē Nǐ Zài Nǎ” (哥哥你在哪)
Shao Haowen Huang Weiming November 10, 2008
33 Hyperactive Carrot
Kàngfèn Húluóbo” (亢奋胡萝卜)
Ni Xiaohong Huang Weiming November 11, 2008
34 Winner Takes All
Shèngzhě Wéi Wáng” (胜者为王)
Li Binglin Huang Weiming November 11, 2008
35 Golden Racket
Jīn Qiúpāi” (金球拍)
Chen Yiyong Huang Weiming November 12, 2008
36 True Champion
Zhēn Guànjūn” (真冠军)
Luo Jianwen Huang Weiming November 12, 2008
37 Weslie Wins the Championship With Injury
Xǐ Yángyáng Dàishāng Duóguàn” (喜羊羊带伤夺冠)
He Shaodan Huang Weiming November 13, 2008
38 Referee Wolffy
Huī Tàiláng Cáipàn” (灰太狼裁判)
Wu Shengqiang Huang Weiming November 13, 2008
39 Argali’s Request
Pányáng de Qǐngqiú” (盘羊的请求)
Shao Haowen Huang Weiming November 14, 2008
40 Jonie’s Choice
Nuǎn Yángyáng de Juézé” (暖羊羊的抉择)
Li Binglin Huang Weiming November 14, 2008
41 A Day in Patriarch’s Life
Zúzhǎng de Yītiān” (族长的一天)
Ni Xiaohong Huang Weiming November 15, 2008
42 The Case of the Stolen Patriarch
Zúzhǎng Shīqiè Àn” (族长失窃案)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming November 15, 2008
43 Troublesome Patriarch
Máfan de Zúzhǎng” (麻烦的族长)
Wu Shengqiang Huang Weiming November 17, 2008
44 Pumpkin Pie Gold Medal
Nánguābǐng Jīnpái” (南瓜饼金牌)
Wu Shengqiang Huang Weiming November 17, 2008
45 The True or Fake Patriarch
Zhēn-jiǎ Zúzhǎng” (真假族长)
Shao Haowen Huang Weiming November 18, 2008
46 I Am the Patriarch
Wǒ Cái Shì Zúzhǎng” (我才是族长)
Li Binglin Huang Weiming November 18, 2008
47 Jungle Chase
Cónglín Zhuībǔ” (丛林追捕)
Chen Yiyong Huang Weiming November 19, 2008
48 Gold Medal for the Honest
Gěi Chéngshízhě de Jīnpái” (给诚实者的金牌)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming November 19, 2008
49 Wolves on the Move
Zhòng Láng Chūjī” (众狼出击)
He Shaodan Huang Weiming November 20, 2008
50 Blazing Grassland
Lièhuǒ Fén Yuán” (烈火焚原)
Ni Xiaohong Huang Weiming November 20, 2008
51 Escape from the Vajra Shield
Táochū Jīngāngzhào” (逃出金刚罩)
Wu Shengqiang Huang Weiming November 21, 2008
52 Trapped in the Rift Valley
Shēn Xiàn Liègǔ” (身陷裂谷)
Li Binglin Huang Weiming November 21, 2008
53 Flooding the Grand Canyon
Shuǐ Màn Dàxiágǔ” (水漫大峡谷)
Shao Haowen Huang Weiming November 22, 2008
54 Marching to the Remote Grassland
Xiàng Shìwài Cǎoyuán Jìnjūn” (向世外草原进军)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming November 22, 2008
55 Triathlon Competition
Tiěrén Sān Xiàng Sài” (铁人三项赛)
Ou Ling Huang Weiming November 24, 2008
56 Goodbye, Mechanical Goat
Zàijiàn Jīxièyáng” (再见机械羊)
Ni Xiaohong Huang Weiming November 24, 2008
57 Furious Attack on the Wolf Fortress
Nù Gōng Láng Bǎo” (怒攻狼堡)
He Shaodan Huang Weiming November 25, 2008
58 Desperate Counterattack
Juédì Dà Fǎnjī” (绝地大反击)
Shao Haowen Huang Weiming November 25, 2008
59 The Last Gold Medal
Zuìhòu Yīkuài Jīnpái” (最后一块金牌)
Chen Yiyong Huang Weiming November 26, 2008
60 The Patriarch’s Coronation
Zúzhǎng de Jiāmiàn” (族长的加冕)
Luo Jianwen Huang Weiming November 26, 2008
Episode data generated from Template:Episode/Pleasant Goat Sports Game.json.



