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Pleasant Goat Wiki

Pleasant Goat Fun Class: Animals & Plants (智趣羊学堂 动植物篇, Zhìqù Yáng Xuétáng Dòngzhíwù Piān) is the eighteenth donghua installment in the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf franchise, and the first season of the Pleasant Goat Fun Class series.

This season was also dubbed into English by Miao Mi, translated as Pleasant Goat Fun Class: Chapter of Animals & Plants.


The goats go on fun adventures and explore and compete together. Their adventures can be anything from climbing snowy mountains to exploring the deep sea. During their adventures, they encounter and learn different kinds of animals and plants.

The first half of the season is about animals and the second half is about plants.


Opening song
Ending song


No. Title Written by Directed by Original air date
01 Elephants Love Bath Time
Ài Xǐzǎo de Dàxiàng” (爱洗澡的大象)
Li Disi Liang Jiaqi July 11, 2016
02 Squirrels Have Big Tails
Dà Wěiba Sōngshǔ” (大尾巴松鼠)
Li Disi Liang Jiaqi July 11, 2016
03 Waddling Penguins
Yáobǎi Qǐ’é” (摇摆企鹅)
Li Disi Liang Jiaqi July 11, 2016
04 Chameleons Are Magicians
Móshùshī Biànsèlóng” (魔术师变色龙)
Liu Feng Liang Jiaqi July 11, 2016
05 Sharks Have Big Mouths
Dà Zuǐba Shāyú” (大嘴巴鲨鱼)
Liang Zikai He Xiaowei July 11, 2016
06 Cute Giraffes
Kě’ài Chángjǐnglù” (可爱长颈鹿)
Zeng Lingling Cai Yuying July 12, 2016
07 Polar Bears Are As White As Snow
Xuěbái de Běijíxíong” (雪白的北极熊)
Li Disi Luo Menghao July 12, 2016
08 The Kind Dolphins
Shànliáng de Hǎitún” (善良的海豚)
Liu Wei Zhu Zinan July 12, 2016
09 Doctor Woodpecker
Yīshēng Zhuómùniǎo” (医生啄木鸟)
Li Disi Liang Jiaqi July 12, 2016
10 The Croaking Frog
Guāguā Jiào de Qīngwā” (呱呱叫的青蛙)
Lu Yiyong Zhu Zinan July 12, 2016
11 The Miraculous Squid
Shénqí de Wūzéi” (神奇的乌贼)
Liu Wei Liang Jiaqi July 13, 2016
12 Meet the Mysterious Owl
Shénmì de Māotóuyīng” (神秘的猫头鹰)
Zeng Lingling Liang Jiaqi July 13, 2016
13 Giant Anteaters with Long Tongues
Chángshé de Dàshíyǐshòu” (长舌的大食蚁兽)
Lu Yiyong Liang Jiaqi July 13, 2016
14 The Flying Dandelion
Fēiwǔ de Púgōngyīng” (飞舞的蒲公英)
Li Disi He Xiaowei July 13, 2016
15 The Mysterious Touch-Me-Not
Shénmì de Hánxiūcǎo” (神秘的含羞草)
Lu Yiyong,
Liu Feng,
He Jialiang
Cai Yuying July 13, 2016
16 The Extremely Vibrant Sunflower
Zhāoqì-péngbó de Xiàngrìkuí” (朝气蓬勃的向日葵)
Li Disi He Xiaowei July 14, 2016
17 Kapok, The Heroic Flower
Huā Zhōng Yīngxíong Mùmiánhuā” (花中英雄木棉花)
Liu Lifan Zhu Zinan July 14, 2016
18 The Prickly Cactus
Cìcì de Xiānrénzhǎng” (刺刺的仙人掌)
Li Disi Luo Menghao July 14, 2016
19 The Virtuous Lotus Flower
Gāojié de Héhuā” (高洁的荷花)
Zeng Lingling He Xiaowei July 14, 2016
20 The Tasty Coconut
Měiwèi de Yēzi” (美味的椰子)
Li Disi He Xiaowei July 14, 2016
21 The Beautiful Rafflesia
Měilì de Dàwánghuā” (美丽的大王花)
He Jialiang Luo Menghao July 15, 2016
22 The Magical Baobab Tree
Shénqí de Hóumiànbāoshù” (神奇的猴面包树)
Li Disi Liang Jiaqi July 15, 2016
23 The Golden Gingko Tree
Jīncàncàn de Yínxìngshù” (金灿灿的银杏树)
Li Disi Cai Yuying July 15, 2016
24 The Resilient Bamboo
Jiānrèn de Zhúzi” (坚韧的竹子)
Luo Wei,
Liu Wei,
Zeng Lingling
He Xiaowei July 15, 2016
25 The Smart Venus Fly Trap
Cōngmíng de Bǔyíngcǎo” (聪明的捕蝇草)
Chen Junchen Liang Jiaqi July 15, 2016
26 The Stones that Blossom
Huì Kāihuā de Shítou” (会开花的石头)
Luo Wei Liang Jiaqi July 16, 2016
Episode data generated from Template:Episode/Pleasant Goat Fun Class: Animals & Plants.json.



